Welcome Everyone!

Welcome Everyone!

Guys! I am so excited to be sharing this brand with all of you. I have been putting in so much work to make it just perfect. Starting from one simple impulse to buy a small sketch pad to what we are today. I hope you guys can see the potential because I sure can, but only with everyone's continued support which is and will always be appreciated!!

Odd Child Co.

If someone was to ask me, where that name came from? I feel like I see myself as odd sometimes, maybe by things I do when I'm by myself. We all have our quirks whether we share them or keep them private, we all have our little oddities in some way. No one is perfect, that's been proven time and time again. So why don't we embrace it?

During the process of this branding, I got a lot of advice and opinions from family and friends. They ask me, "why does it have to say 'odd'?", as if it has some negative connotation. To that question I responded, "Well I think I'm a little odd." and they proceed to explain to me that I'm not odd and ask me why I would say that. I don't see it. I don't see the problem of being called odd or referring to oneself as odd.

But here we are! Odd Child Co. Doesn't it just roll off your tongue?

I genuinely hope you guys love the designs; all hand drawn by myself. If there's something you would like to see done, please do not hesitate to reach out give some ideas. Credit will always be given.

Another HUGE part of Odd Child Co. is that we want to give back. The way we are doing that is by creating an Autism Awareness Collection. In turn, all proceeds will be donated to The Autism Science Foundation, a nonprofit organization where cutting-edge research is happening. Research to find causes of autism and ways to better treatment while also offering support to people with autism and their families.

Well I don't want you to waste anymore time on this website reading when you could be buying awesome, original design products from us! Thank you for all your support, Odd Children!!!

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